Question of the Day
Thursday 5/28/20
This teacher had a question about the poster in their room in yesterday's HMS Kahoot. Who is it?
Post your answer on your Google Classroom Homeroom page.
Wednesday 5/27/20
This teacher has had their truck in all four of our HMS Kahoots. Who is it?
Answer: Mr Slavik
Post your answer on your Google Classroom Homeroom page.
Tuesday 5/26/20
The farthest this middle school principle has traveled from Minnesota is Prague in the Czech Republic. She describes it as amazing and beautiful. Who is it?
Answer: Ms Fajardo
Post your answer on your Google Classroom Homeroom page.
Friday 5/22/20
This lead teach's favorite color is Purple. She says, "It’s a cool blend of colors and it’s the color of royalty :)". Who is it?
Answer: Ms K
Post your answer on your Google Classroom Homeroom page.
Thursday 5/21/20
This ELA professional could listen to “High Hopes” by Panic! At the Disco on repeat forever. Who is it?
Answer: Ms Vogel
Post your answer on your Google Classroom Homeroom page.
Wednesday 5/20/20
This office administrator wishes they would bring back roller skating rinks. They are hard to come by but hold lots of childhood memories. Who is it?
Answer: Ms AJ
Post your answer on your Google Classroom Homeroom page.
Tuesday 5/19/20
When I asked this mathematician who her mythical sidekick would be, she said, "I legit just want Pegasus from Hercules… did you see baby Pegasus? He was so cute. Kinda like having the personality of a puppy, but much cooler cause he can fly and you can ride him… I guess if I get to add some abilities he could breath some fire… in case we needed some protection." Who is it?
Answer: Ms Reed
Post your answer on your Google Classroom Homeroom page.
Monday 5/18/20
This HMS social worker's favorite color is Turquoise because it is fun to say and nice to look at. Who is it?
Answer: Ms Moore
Post your answer on your Google Classroom Homeroom page.
Friday 5/15/20
This special ed teacher says their main hobby is a good nap. They describe it like, "I’ve been known to be able to take a 3 hour nap after school and still be able to sleep throughout the night." Who is it?
Answer: Ms Helmen
Post your answer on your Google Classroom Homeroom page.
Thursday 5/14/20
This language arts educator once tried to hop on the yoga band wagon but it ended up being not her thing. Who is it?
Answer: Ms Gangl
Post your answer on your Google Classroom Homeroom page.
Wednesday 5/13/20
This office personnel has a son that boxes and also has a sibling that goes to HMS. Who is it?
Answer: Ms Ame
Post your answer on your Google Classroom Homeroom page.
Tuesday 5/12/20
This fitness-minded teacher went to Mankato State University. Who is it?
Answer: Mr Slavik
Post your answer on your Google Classroom Homeroom page.
Monday 5/11/20
This HMS EA has twin daughters. Who is it?
Answer: Mr Hussein
Post your answer on your Google Classroom Homeroom page.
Friday 5/8/20
At Eagle Bluff, we called this teacher Spider-Man because he was hanging all over the rock walls. Who is it?
Answer: Mr Reyes
Post your answer on your Google Classroom Homeroom page.
Thursday 5/7/20
This history expert played tuba in the University of Minnesota Marching Band. Who is it?
AND, who forgot to post the QotD form for you all to use yesterday?
Answers: Ms Clahoun and Mr Aldridge
Post your answer on your Google Classroom Homeroom page.
Tuesday 5/5/20
This math teacher has a dog named Winston. Who is it?
Answer: Ms Reed
Post your answer on your Google Classroom Homeroom page.
Monday 5/4/20
This Dean of Students is a massive Star Wars dork and really loves the Astromech Droids in particular. They even have a big collection of LEGO Astromech Droids. Who is it?
Answer: Mr C
Post your answer on your Google Classroom Homeroom page.
Friday 5/1/20
This HMS teacher really enjoyed Baltimore's Inner Harbor in Maryland when she visited and a big reason was visiting Edgar Allen Poe's grave. She is a huge fan of this AUTHOR. Who is it?
Answer: Ms Vogel
Post your answer on your Google Classroom Homeroom page.
Thursday 4/30/20
This teacher was a question in yesterday's Kahoot and wears cardigans all the time. Who is it?
Answer: Ms Gangl
Post your answer in your Google Classroom Homeroom page.
Wednesday 4/29/20
This teacher had a photo in the first HMS All-School Kahoot showing us "belaying" while at Eagle Bluff. Who is it?
Answer: Ms Helmen
Post your answer in your Google Classroom Homeroom page.
Tuesday 4/28/20
This teacher once wore a bear costume to school. Who is it?
Answer: Mr Slavik
Post your answer in your Google Classroom Homeroom page.
Monday 4/27/20
This teacher is the proud owner of the Basic Tumbler and feels her spirit animal is a polar bear. Who is it?
Answer: Ms Moore
Post your answer in your Google Classroom Homeroom page.
Friday 4/24/20
This teacher spent two months living alone on an island and their favorite childhood toy was a RC T-Rex with eyes that lit up and could walk. Who is it?
Answer: Mr Anderson
Post your answer in your Google Classroom Homeroom page.
Thursday 4/23/20
This mathematics professional grew up in Wisconsin but lived in Waco, Texas for a year before moving to Minneapolis. Who is it?
Answer: Mr Diaz
Post your answer in your Google Classroom Homeroom page.
Wednesday 4/22/20
This cafeteria professional has a brother that works at the elementary school, Mr Juan Palma. Who is it?
Answer: Mr Carlos
Post your answer in your Google Classroom Homeroom page.
Tuesday 4/21/20
This educator teaches algebra sometimes and likes vacationing anywhere with warm weather and a beach. Their favorite movie is Hercules. Who is it?
Answer: Ms Reed
Post your answer in your Google Classroom Homeroom page.
Monday 4/20/20
This ESL teacher and Dragon tamer, is a pretty accomplished skateboarder and can be seen skateboarding to school some times. Who is it?
Answer: Mr Reyes
Post your answer in your Google Classroom Homeroom page.
Friday 4/17/20
This book worm loves Jucy Lucies but doesn't like cake or pie! She likes blueberry parfait! Who is it?
Answer: Ms Gangl
Post your answer in your Google Classroom Homeroom page.
Thursday 4/16/20
This history buff wanted to be a Sea World trainer when they were growing up. So much so that their favorite toy was a Sea World Barbie with scuba suit and Shamu toy. Who is it?
Answer: Ms Calhoun
Post your answer in your Google Classroom Homeroom page.
Wednesday 4/15/20
This teacher has a gecko and a Bernese Mountain Dog named Kaia? Who is it?
Answer: Mr Aldridge
Post your answer in your Google Classroom Homeroom page.
Tuesday 4/14/20
This office-oriented staff member is a self-proclaimed speed demon and used to own a book shop. Who is it?
Answer: Ms AJ
Post your answer in your Google Classroom Homeroom page.
Monday 4/13/20
Which teacher did done goofed and forgot today's QotD?
Answer: Mr C
Post your answer in your Google Classroom Homeroom page.
Friday 4/10/20
This person is likely the funniest and mostest prettiest person you've ever met but they also traveled to Alaska and the Arctic Ocean this summer. Who is it?
Answer: Mr C
Post your answer in your Google Classroom Homeroom page.
Thursday 4/9/20
When I asked how this special education teacher gets their popcorn, they responded, "LOTS of butter! At the movie theater I go to, there is a liquid butter dispenser that I lather my already buttered popcorn with!" Who is it?
Answer: Ms Helmen
Post your answer in your Google Classroom Homeroom page.
Wednesday 4/8/20
This language arts educator and news producer's favorite childhood toy were Beanie Babies! Who is it?
Answer: Ms Vogel
Post your answer in your Google Classroom Homeroom page.
Tuesday 4/7/20
When this teacher was asked why they became a teacher, they responded: "I became a teacher because I had so many boring teachers growing up and I wanted to be that game-changing social studies teacher for kids who don't like history". Who is it?
Answer: Ms Calhoun
Post your answer in your Google Classroom Homeroom page.
Monday 4/6/20
This fitness-minded individual's favorite place they have every visited is Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado. Who is it?
Answer: Mr Slavik
Post your answer in your Google Classroom Homeroom page.
Friday 4/3/20
This language arts educator grew up in Roseville, MN, has twin older sisters, and when they play hide and go seek they hide waaay up in a tree. Who is it?
Answer: Ms Gangl
Post your answer in your Google Classroom Homeroom page.
Thursday 4/2/20
This Shania Twain super fan grew up in the hot air balloon capital of the US! Indianola, Iowa. Who is it?
Answer: Mr Aldridge
Post your answer on your Google Classroom Homeroom page.
Wednesday 4/1/20
This HMS teacher has 12 nieces and nephews and will sometimes sport a cowboy hat at school. Who is it?
Answer: Mr Reyes
Post your answer on your Google Classroom Homeroom page.
Tuesday 3/31/20
This HMS staff member can help you deal with all sorts of problems and really process some complex emotions. When it comes down to it though, their favorite snack food is Hot Cheetos and Cheese Sauce. Who is it?
Answer: Ms Moore
Post your answer on your Google Classroom Homeroom page.
Monday 3/30/20
This mathematics educator likes pwning noobs in Call of Duty Warzone and Apex Legends in their free time. Who is it?
Answer: Mr Diaz
Post your answer in your Google Classroom Homeroom page.