This week you all will have your Homeroom Awards Ceremonies. Some of you have had them already and they have been a lot of fun! I encourage all of you to join in because it is just fun and silly for your homerooms to connect like this. I was fortunate to join Ms Vogel's and Ms Gangl's homerooms for their awards ceremonies and it was really fun and nice to hear from many of you!

I was sneaky and stole some screen grabs!

Ms LeeAnn's Flubber review for Movie Monday, is one for the ages but don't forget we have Nacho Libre (Netflix) and Holes (Disney+) for next week! Find some time this week to watch with all of us! Did you all see how Mr Slavik's new truck in the What Are Up To?! post?! Ms AJ's Libyan soup from Whip it Up Wednesday looked like a really easy but delicious meal to try! Be sure to get those noodle arms moving with Mr Slavik's Tough it Out Tuesday!
Harold will be back in about a week and our final Kahoot for this school year will be on Wednesday, 5/27 at 4 PM!
Get ready for tomorrow's Throwback Thursday!!
Ya'll! Mr Aldridge and I have a TREAT for you today! This is the most work I have put into any of the Whip it Up Wednesdays so far because of the coordination it took! I mean, Mr Adlridge and I had to call in favors from all over the country to make this happen. Sit back, relax, and watch the FRIZZA CHALLENGE for today's Whip it Up Wednesday!!
Participate. Have fun. Stay safe. Don't be nasty.