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Writer's pictureMrC

Throwback Thursday and Kahoot Happenings!

Kahoot last night was a smashing success! I made this one longer than before and I threw in a bunch more HMS facts and facts. Going through the answers, a lot of you have been paying attention to your packets and the website and then there are many of you that goof'd pretty hard. Mmhmmmmm!

As always, I will take a day to go over the scores and check in with students before announcing winners. So some of you should be expecting emails from me. If I don't hear back, I move on to the next student!

Ms AJ's Libyan Soup for Whip it Up Wednesday looked super tasty and really easy to make. Did anyone notice any questions from Whip It Up Wednesday in the Kahoot?!

Many Movie Monday review videos for sure made an appearance in the Kahoot! Next week's movies will be Next Gen (Netflix) and Flubber (Disney+) so find some time to chill out and watch some fun movies with everyone!!

Always be hitting that Tough it Out Tuesday to get SWOL! Get at that Question of the Day, yo!

Let's make this Throwback Thursday happen! It's about to go down! The first two students that correctly identify the teacher below will get their choice of item based on the order of who submitted their correct answer first. So if you are the first person to email me the correct answer then you get first choice. Second person gets second choice.

ALSO: I will not be accepting any answers that come from someone that is not using their email address. Previously, some people missed out on their chance to win because I had no idea who it was. You have to email Mr C using your school email address.

The photos could be any teacher at HMS. Good luck!

Who is it?

Participate. Have fun. Stay safe. Don't be nasty.

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